Policies & Rules
Policies & Rules
1. Club policies
The club committee, comprised of elected and volunteer members, sets the club policies and fixes its rules. For the smooth running of activities, the Committee asks each member to accept the rules at the same time as the registration.
Coaches train, leaders lead, and parents entrust their children to them by keeping their role as parents, by instilling in their children the discipline and the knowledge of living in a community.
It is essential for the success of the Club and each team that everyone remains in their respective roles.
The Club can only function properly with team managers and involved parents: to teach team spirit to children, the parents themselves must set an example by getting involved in the life of the team and of the club.
Without volunteering parents, it is not possible to organise games, tournaments, and events that will make them get better: food stand, scoreboard, help in the locker room if needed, etc…
2. Team Managers
For those wishing to become a Team Manager, an application letter should be submitted. It can be submitted by email to committee@corkwolfpack.com. Team Managers are appointed by the Committee and undertake the following tasks:
Supervise the team they are in charge of, during all the games, friendly and official tournaments,
Organise all the aspects related to the sports events in which their team is engaged,
Be the privileged point of contact for parents and players alike regarding information,
Ask authorisation for any action (travel tournament, trip, sponsorship …) that would engage the responsibility of the club,
Inform the leadership of any peculiar event occurring within the team,
Not interfere in any case with the sports activities,
Not establish team slips without the agreement of the coach. A memo from the team manager is given at the beginning of the season and meetings will be scheduled regularly to debrief the global situation. Here again, team spirit must remain a priority.
3. Players rules. He/she commits and agrees:
To be registered with IHI or IIHA, or Both
To regularly be there for the practices and for the games, and to be on court on time,
To notify his/her coach(es) or Club in case of an absence, a delay or carpooling,
To respect all the instructions of the coach(es) and of the Team Manager(s),
To have a proper attitude towards coaches, teammates, other players, team managers, committee members, referees, spectators, and the halls staff,
To not communicate to people outside the club on behalf of the team manager or coach, regarding the team(s)’ schedule, availability, or roster,
To respect the gear and the facilities provided to him/her, and anything provided by the club during away trips,
To make sure he/she has a full gear required by the IHI or IIHA before every practice and game,
To conform to the club colours
To regularly check the messaging applications and the club’s website,
To accept all decisions taken by coaches, referees or any other people in charge,
To pay the costs relating to the financial penalties inflicted to him/her by the refereeing body before the end of the season.
To not be in possession of doping and illegal substances that are in opposition to proper sports hygiene (tobacco, alcohol…)
To not consume these same substances within the hockey facilities and while wearing the Cork Wolfpack colours.
To not take part in any form of hazing and bullying,
To accept all controls requested by the State, IHI, and more generally, by any Commission duly mandated by Sport Ireland. In case of non-compliance with this commitment, a provisional exclusion will automatically be imposed, and federal regulations applied.
4. Global rules
The Club declines any responsibility in case of deterioration, theft or loss of personal effects and gear on the premises and on the move.
No refund of PAYMENTS will be made during the season unless the player provides a medical certificate stating that his state of health no longer allows him/her to practice hockey during a period of at least 3 consecutive months.
We remind you that allowing your child(ren) to play in the above age group does not guarantee in any way his/her/their selection for practices or games. That is the sole responsibility of the coaches.
In small age groups, there can be several teams per age group. Children are distributed within these teams according to the coach(e’s|es’) choice only. In no case can parents interfere in this choice. Each member, each parent commits to his own and/or his/her child(ren) membership(s) in the club and commits to respect these rules. Any non-compliance will be subject to sanctions defined and applied by the Committee. The Disciplinary Board reserves the right to impose sanctions ranging from temporary to permanent exclusion of the player(s) and/or parent(s) from the Club without prior notice.
5. Parents memo
The role of the parents is paramount: they help their children to develop a good self-esteem, to accept their place in the team and helps them to accept discipline, respect, work ethic, and honesty.
It is very important that, as early as the U6 age group, parents make sure that the atmosphere is calm, and that team spirit resides with everyone. Being competitive does not mean winning whatever the cost, it’s about winning in giving your very best. It’s not about wanting to have the spotlight on yourself in your team, it’s about wanting to make your team win.
As a parent :
I remember that it’s a game for the children and not a game for the parents. I avoid putting my child(ren) under a pressure that would incite him/her to behave in a manner that is in opposition to the sport’s spirit and to the club’s culture.
I incite my child(ren) to treat other players, coaches, spectators and members of the Committee with respect without discrimination of gender, race, language, nationality, age, sexuality, social background or disability.
My speech and my behaviour show that I respect all players, parents, coaches, and committee members and the tasks they must do, In no way I depreciate them in front of my child(ren). I do not get upset ostentatiously during games and do not communicate with my child from the stands.
I cheer for the whole team and I applaud the good plays. I accept mistakes done as being part of their learning. My speech and behaviour show that I do not tolerate and do not support any form of psychological or physical violence. In this respect, I denounce any act of violence that I witness.
Whenever I need to talk to the coach, I do it one-on-one at a convenient time for the two parties (neither an on-court edge nor directly in front of the locker room), making sure to control my emotions and to have a respectful behaviour.
For obvious safety reasons, I watch the practices and the games from the stands. I cannot be on the court, the court’s edge, or in the locker room without the coaches permission.
I participate in the life of the team and the Club. Given the size of the Club, it is important to attend the start of season meeting for the relevant age group and the tournament preparation meetings of my child(ren) to understand the organisation, and to regularly check the messaging applications, including the website.
I do not take any initiative or decision on behalf of the Club without authorisation.
I commit to not interfere, in any way, in the choices made by coaches (team roster, players positioning, game strategy…)
Parents of players under 18 years old are expected to check if the practices and competitions their child(ren) is(are) attending are taking place and that a manager or a coach is there to supervise the event.